Online Membership/Renewal Application Form


    Club 80-90 Syncronauts Membership/Renewal Application Form 2024

    Your forename: (required)

    Your surname: (required)

    Address line 1: (required)

    Address line 2:

    Town: (required)

    Postcode: (required)

    Country: (if not UK)

    Your Email: (required)

    Telephone number:

    Mobile number:

    Club 80-90 username

    Club 80-90 membership number:

    Syncro owner:

    If yes, syncro model:

    Registration number:


    Any skills or services you could offer e.g. first aider:

    I confirm that I am over 17 years of age and will abide by the constitution of the club and the site rules of off-road meets. I hold a full driving licence and the vehicle above meets the minimum legal requirements to be driven on UK roads. I accept that the club or landowners cannot be held responsible for any damage to my vehicle whilst participating in any events. The subscription is £10.

    I agree to be bound by any reasonable terms and conditions set by the Syncronauts committee. I understand that the information on this form will be held on a computer in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998. Information will be kept confidential to the club and will not be passed to third parties. For further information please read our Privacy Notice.

    I agree to these terms and conditions:

    Date: (required)

    NB Membership is subject to approval by the Syncronauts committee.

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    You will receive an email confirming the information you have sent which and also including instructions on how to pay the membership fee. When you have paid your fee you will receive a membership card and car sticker and you will be entitled to a £10 discount on the first UK Syncronauts event you attend this year.