Discussion on the Syncro forum here
Looking to spin some changes to the event programme for 2008, we considered some fixed-sites other than Coney Green Farm for our early event and struck upon Whaddon, a farm site in Buckinghamshire used for Pay and Play.
Knowing that we would need 20 to 25 vehicles to pay the agreed solus weekend fee, we still went ahead, and although well attended, made an expected loss on the weekend, but not without having given all those who came what we all thought was darn good run out for their money… weather was good and it was pleasing that more newcomers attended, as a tradition, inviting one or two non-syncros. A family (complete with babe in arms) with a Shogun that some of us green lane with enjoyed the weekend and it was also very nice to have Matt’s long term friend Johnny with his Quad-bike, take part…
Whaddon is basically a large valley with a Motocross track on one side and an off-road site the other, which has a lot of water both in the bottom and half way up a spring-line on the off-road side, with a few artificial hills… only a couple of Syncros managed through one deep clay bottomed splash, through sheer speed and power, all very exciting for the rest as spectators – a lot of overnight drying out was needed on the Sat night. Sunday saw the day mainly being devoted to climbing through the boggy spring-line which almost turned into a Team Challenge. Lots was learnt about marking and finding through-routes, backing up and supporting one another and equipment and techniques for steep, boggy and very Syncro-challenging conditions. An undoubted success, well worth the nominal loss we made, getting more than 10 vehicles to a Southerly meeting. We made first use of our new barbecue (both evenings) and Sharon and Jenny helped cook everyone a communal breakfast on the Sunday morning.
Sharon’s video of Whaddon
As so often is the case, many more would have liked to have come, should inevitable clashes with dates and other obligations not interfered.