This year we enticed 24 Syncros to Llanfyllin, our usual site for July’s Syncropendence meet. More newcomers were especially welcome adding freshness & variety to the campfire conversation (sounds good that, true or not).
A special mention and welcome back must be made for Geoff and Jayne who attended our very first SP, at another Llanidloes that one. They now have one of the (famous) Audi engined Rowan Medical Services Syncros and came to enjoy the weekend whilst bedding it down.
We had an English trial (setup by Paul & Simon) down around and of course, through the river, as entertainment when the weather got the better of us up on the hill… always a good exercise.
There was a lot of interesting activity down in the mudhole Saturday afternoon with good entertainment value from old and newcomers alike… some remarkable escapes from the stream were witnessed – without a winch or tow line. But out came the tow ropes soon enough.
Whereas it was Dai & team who worked hard creating a devilish German trial up the mountain which proved impossible to clear with a zero – though Mark and I got close with one fault I think (and Dai himself ) – at least I did something half right that weekend.
Simon and Baz were doing some very fine demo driving up the ramp and along the prop-breaker whilst each took their turn to drive the trial… afterwards being treated to some great two wheel trials riding around us by two lads on their ultralight flippyaroundy goanywhere machinery Fantastic stuff!
Late Saturday night around the campfire (what’s new) and Sunday morning on the hill were both quite eventful! I can’t reveal the former escapade here but the latter involved two broken rear driveshafts.
Hopefully everyone enjoyed their driving… and that of others!
Most of our fixed site events involve a drinks or cuisine theme, this one both. Max agreed to organise coming up with a ‘fruit’ theme..
So … cheese with fruits in. Everything with fruit in… Debbie did some abs.amaazing chocolates, then a range of fruity cocktails. Mmmm. Thanks are due from all to those who contributed including Simon and Aidan who sponsored local Welsh beer.. very good and this keg didn’t go whoosh .
Four stayed behind in Llanfyllin being kindly hosted by AT Gearboxes, licking wounds, making repairs and readying for the drive to the Next Event on the Friday…