More discussion on the forum here
Again, the weekend after Syncropendence. Not a massive attendance by us this year but nevertheless it was boosted by a wider mix of friends and their acquaintances that joined us for the camping experience and the Sat night bring-a-dish feast. So lovely to meet, mix, dine and dance (for some) with them all including drop-ins. Particularly good to see Dave and son Niall from Dublin again… as it’s never a low cost option to come over from the Island of Ireland.
After SP’s raffle etc for the Macmillan charity we thought we could boost this collection a bit rather than doing the ‘Quarry Experience’ for our own Syncronauts kitty. We upped the price to £2 per person and then aimed for 3 sessions using 4 or 5 drivers round the quarry– Thanks to Simon for organising this with much help from Dave and David marshalling and managing the money (Daniel, Sharon, Jenny, Gilly and other helpers).
Vans became very dirty and sticky in there so thanks to David, Simon, Sean, James and Geoff for sticking at it for several sessions and having to spend the next week cleaning their trucks… Grand total £1538 including that raised at Syncropendence ( a few hundred I believe). Counting it in total bemusement the day after, it was quite incredible what the lads and lasses had done. I also don’t think we had one dissatisfied customer (though a few screamers I’m told ) and quite a few took 2 trips and donated a spare £ or two.
Lovely Weston Park and its trees and grand house there to enjoy as usual and amazing fun-fair rides (if vomit is your thing), but I think the Main Marquee fancy dress action wasn’t as good a dance experience as previously. Nevertheless a great atmosphere and lots to do…