In Spain in a campsite with free wireless connection! Bonus!!
Muna Sunday November 15th
We are just outside Malaga. A rest day today, and on the ferry tomorow. 2300 kms sitting at 120kmh. Have met a couple from UK in a 110 landy, going to South Africa. We are meeting up with them somewhere near Gambia. Will post some pictures soon.
Pete and Muna Tuesday 17th November
Have made it to the Western Sahara and am on the worlds slowest internet connection – sorry no pictures! Braved a night in Costa del Sol before heading to Morroco! Boiling hot here and sand dunes are amazing! Travelling into actual desert in day or two after chill out in Dakhla! Got the vehicle stuck in sinking sand yesterday and had to be rescued by group of Morrocans before the tide came in!! x x x
Muna Tuesday 24th November
Funny, Pete doesn’t mention the sinking sand …
We have made it to Dakhla in Western Sahara. replaced a water hose today, and now relaxing for a couple of days before heading into the Sahara. All good but Morrocan keyboard is really difficult. Off to buy camel for dinner.
Pete Tuesday November 24th
In Nouadibou Mauritania after a 6 hour border crossing! Heading into the desert tomorrow for 3 days! So if you do not hear anything from me after a while send the search party!!!
Muna Friday November 27th
Made it out of the desert with just a broken clutch – which is not bad considering the terrain!! In Nouakchott, Mauritania fixing it quickly, as 3 Spanish UNICEF workers were kidnapped a few days ago on the high way to Nouadhibou. Lucky we went through the desert!!
Muna Tuesday December 1st
Photo Gallery 1 (December 1st)
Oh dear!
Finally arrived in the Gambia….almost in one piece, apart from Pete’s hand! Who would have thought that water skiing off the back of a fishing boat using a piece of wood with a rusty nail sticking out was not a good idea!!
Muna Tuesday December 8th