15″ Alternative Wheels
Mercedes C-Class rims (cheaply available rims (eBay) with various offsets, some ETs suit Syncro, 6″ & 6.5″ )
15″ Mercedes Steel Wheel. Part # 202 400 0002 6J x 15H2 ET 31 (from a C Class)
DiamondHell: 15″ Merc steel rims with the part no. starting 202 *** *** off C-Classes. You’ll find them in ET31 and ET37 flavours, in 6 or 6.5″ width.
Mercedes (ET37) and take a 205 or 215 210 400 0202
Harrymann: They (Merc rims) are thought to be ‘soft’ when striking hard edges, such as high kerbs and rocks, but within reason can be knocked back into shape.
So INSPECT regularly, both inside as well as outside, clean before inspection and look for cracking and trueness of running’
Mercs are not adequately load-rated for heavy T25s, such as heavily loaded vans and campers.
Russel at Syncronutz: Warning
These Merc rims were designed for a car not a van if you use them off-road only then it’s ok because you are not going fast. But if you are using them on the road, well up to you but I wouldn’t. (Syncronutz supply correct load rated 15″ rims 2/12/05)
Note: The C-Class: Gross vehicle weight rating (kg): 1,945, gross vehicle weight rating kerb weight (kg): 1,490
The unladen ‘Kerb’ weight of the Caravelle GL is 1500KG (10KG heavier than a C Class!) Gross vehicle weight is 2390kg (from the VW instruction manual)
I’d say you’re OK with the Merc rims if you don’t overload your van (no more than 455Kgs including passengers).
HarryMann: These rims are used a lot on Syncros. They are what’s said to be ‘soft’, that is the rim edges bend or roll back fairly easily when encountering sharp edged rocks, due to being less thick than other steels e.g. T4/T5/Passat steels etc. They can however be knocked back out temporarily quite easily. They have to my knowledge not been found to fail catastrophically which would rule them out altogether, bending rather than breaking. However, as Russel says, they are not ‘fully rated’ for a vehicle of the weight of a T25, so moe regular inspections and maintenance is indicated, especially if they have been deformed and straightened at any time (I have found one cracking radially from the outside edge down the bead (inside).. so if you do use them, every time you take them off, clean and inspect them inside and out)
Syncropaddy: 15″ steel wheels from a Mercedes W124 Estate have a higher rating than those from a W124 Saloon. The part number is 1244001002, 7J x 15 H2 ET46 and they should have a little sticker on them with a picture of and Estate with T – Model printed underneath
HarryMann: Ah yes, that’s where all mine came form 🙂
Ford Granada 15″ Scorpio Mark 3 rims with 215 70 15 All Terrains
Macflai: Mercedes 210 chassis, 15″ dia 205 60 15, 6 1/2J, ET37 pictures of installed
15×6″ ET30 5x112mm, inner hole 66.5mm, rated at 900kg per rim.
Very similar apperance to the Merc design but heavier built and suitably load-rated. Correct ET, about £50 each?
They use 12mm radiused ball nuts, so if 14mm radiused used, they won’t go on as far, but are supposedly ‘OK’
16″ Alternative Wheels
16″ Wheels for the Syncro (Derek Drew)
Andy Syncro-Nutz: I fitted VW 16″ Rims powder coated in Anthracite grey! A less expensive approach.
I was lucky that my 16″ rims had the correct offset, as I already had fitted 20mm spacers and longer studs!
SyncroDoug: I’ve gone done the same route as Andy Syncro-nutz except that I use VW T5 16in rims (very cheap – £30-50 for four practically new, see eBay) with a PCD adapter of 23mm thickness giving an ET of 28
VW Syncro 16 Std. wheels These are 5.5″ width, with an ET of 31?